NAUCC 2018
North American Unicycling Convention and Championships 2018
Livonia, MI
July 8-14 2018

Group Freestyle Competitors

These competitors are in ID order. Not in competition-order

ID Name Etat
2, 16, 19, 30, 54, 74, 154 RTUC
Diane Jett
Ezra Knezek
Michael Bachleda
Wendy Grzych
Jason Wieske
Hans Mills
Richard Tharrett
6, 8, 10, 18, 99, 160 The Barden Bellas
Amanda Laursen*
Sylvie Panofsky
Sarah Yandell
Patricia Wilton
Marin Cohan
Megan Johnson
Storstrøm, Wisconsin
15, 40, 77, 89, 90, 105 Boogie Wonderland
Rachel Sindelar
Shelley Kovacic
Alice Lind-MacMillan
Greta Koehler
Danielle Chevalier
Neala Chevalier
Minnesota, Wisconsin
55, 56, 57, 58 Schoenecker Family
Laura Schoenecker
Teagan Schoenecker
Tessa Schoenecker
Kendall Schoenecker